May 15 - 17, 2025 Brasilia - Brazil

Evaluating Committee

Ana Gabriela Caldas Oliveira (BRA)

Md. PhD. Adjunct professor of Oncology at the Department of Medicine - Federal University of Maranhão; Master's degree in Oncology-FMUSP; PhD in Public Health UFMA; Breast surgeon and Oncology Surgeon (AC Camargo Cancer Center); Mastologist certified by the Brazilian Society of Mastology - main activity in oncoplastic surgery; Mastologist at Hospital São Domingos Rede Dasa; Mastologist at the Maranhão Oncology Hospital Dr Tarquínio Lopes; Mastologist and Oncopelvic Surgeon at the Instituto Maranhense de Oncologia Hospital Aldenora Bello; CEO Aflore Oncology and Health Clinic.


Graduated in Physical Education, Master in Public Health (USP), Doctor in Health Sciences (UnB). Part of the PhD carried out at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, Chapel Hill, U.S.A. (CAPES Scholarship). Associate Professor at the Faculty of Physical Education and Dance at the Federal University of Goiás (FEFD/UFG). Professor in the postgraduate program in Physical Education (PPGEF) at the Faculty of Physical Education and Dance at UFG; Professor in the postgraduate program in Health Sciences ((PPGCS) at the Faculty of Medicine of UFG. Deputy Director of FEFD/UFG; Coordinator of the specialization course in Strength Training at FEFD. Develops research on exercise, health and special populations .

Clécio Ênio Murta de Lucena (BRA)

Master and PhD in Women's Health from UFMG. Adjunct Professor of the Department of Gynecology and Obstetrics, FM, UFMG. Coordinator of the Mastology Discipline at FMUFMG. Director of Professional Defense of the Medical Association of MG.

Daniel Buttros (BRA)

Permanent Professor Postgraduate Program in Tocogynecology UNESP Botucatu.

Darley de Lima Ferreira Filho (BRA)

Coordinator of the Breast Reconstruction Course in Recife. Master and PhD in surgery from UFPE. Member of the department of oncoplastics and brazilian school of mastology of the Brazilian Society Of Mastology. Member of SBM.

Francine Fischer-Sgrott (BRA)

Physiotherapist. PhD in Oncology from AC Camargo Cancer Center. Master in Health Technology. Specialist in Physiotherapy in Oncology. Women's Health Specialist.

Franklin Fernandes Pimentel (BRA)

Mastologist and Clinical Oncologist at Department of Gynecology and Obstetrics, Hospital das Clínicas de Ribeirão Preto - FMRP-USP. Master and PhD in Medical Sciences FMRP-USP. Coordinator of Systemic Therapies Committee - SBM. Professor of the Postgraduate Program of Gynecology and Obstetrics, Ribeirao Preto School of Medicine, University of São Paulo.

Glauber Moreira Leitão (BRA)

Oncologista clínico pelo INCA; Professor Adjunto de Medicina - UFPE. Mestre em Oncologia – USP; Doutor em Biologia Aplicada à Saúde pela UFPE; Pesquisador do Laboratório de Imunopatologia Keizo Asami - LIKA/UFPE e Coordenador do Centro de Pesquisa Clínica do Hospital das Clínicas da UFPE. Pós-graduada em Oncologia da Mama/Hosp Israelita Albert Einstein-SP.

Giuliano Mendes Duarte (BRA)

Mastologist at Hospital da Mulher - UNICAMP and Clínica FEMME PhD from UNICAMP.

Idam de Oliveira Junior (BRA)

Mastologist at Hospital de Amor Barretos. Post-doctorate at the Faculty of Medicine of Botucatu – UNESP. Professor of the Stricto Sensu Postgraduate Programs in Oncology and Health Innovation at Hospital de Amor. Member of the TEMa Commission. Coordinator of the SBM-SP Oncoplasty Committee.

José Cláudio Casali da Rocha (BRA)

Head of Oncogenetica, at AC Camargo Cancer Center


PhD FM/UFG. Adjunct Professor at UFG. Mastologist HC/UFG.

Luciana Castro Garcia Landeiro (BRA)

National leader of the Oncoclínicas Group Survivorship program. PhD in Sciences from the Faculty of Medicine of the University of São Paulo - FMUSP. Member of the SBOC Breast Tumor Committee 2022-2024. Medical Coordinator of the Clinical Research Center of the Oncoclínicas Group - Bahia. Leader of breast oncology at the Oncoclínicas Group - Bahia.

Marise Amaral Rebouças Moreira (BRA)

Doctor in pathology from FM at USP Prof. Head of the Pathology department at UFG Training in Breast Pathology in Coimbra Internship in Surgical Pathology at Clinica Maio- Rochester USA.

Martina Lichtenfels (BRA)

Biologist, PhD in Medical Sciences from UFRGS and the German Research Cancer Center (DKFZ, Germany) and post-doctorate in pharmaceutical biotechnology from Ludwig-Maximilliam Univesity (LMU, Germany). Researcher at the company Ziel Biosciences and collaborating researcher at UFRGS and PUCRS universities.

Marcelo Antonini (BRA)

Doctor of Health Sciences. Professor of the Medicine Course at the University of the City of São Paulo (UNICID). Professor of the Medicine Course at the Santo Amaro University (UNISA). Preceptor of the Mastology Medical Residency at the State Public Servant Hospital (HSPE).

René Aloisio da Costa Vieira (BRA)

Breast Surgeon, Surgical Oncologist. PhD in Science with Postdoctoral in Mastology. Professor of the Postgraduate Program of Tocogynecology - Botucatu Faculty of Medicine - São Paulo State University and Professor of Postgraduate Program of Oncology - Barretos Cancer Hospital. Works at Muriaé Cancer Hospital.

Ricardo Caponero (BRA)

Clinical Oncologist at Hospital Alemão Oswaldo Cruz, in São Paulo. Master in Molecular Oncology. President of the FEMAMA Scientific Council. Coordinator of the SBOC palliative care committee.

Silvia Helena Rabelo dos Santos (BRA)

Graduated in Pharmacy and Biochemistry from the Faculty of Pharmacy of the Federal University of Goiás. Master in Pathology from the University of Brasília. PhD in Tocogynecology from the Faculty of Medical Sciences of the State University of Campinas. Specialist in Clinical Cytology by the Brazilian Society of Clinical Cytology. Post-Doctorate in the Department of Tocogynecology, Faculty of Medical Sciences, State University of Campinas. She is currently Full Professor in Clinical Cytology at the Faculty of Pharmacy of the Federal University of Goiás. She regularly publishes in journals indexed in pubmed/medline and/or Lilacs, with 41 articles indexed in Medline/pubmed with an H index of 16 (Web of Science- 2023). She is a regular reviewer for the journals Diagnostic Cytolpathology, RBGO, Acta Cytologica, Plos One.

Vera Aparecida Saddi (BRA)

Vera Saddi has a degree in Biological Sciences – Medical Modality (Biomedicine) from the Pontifical Catholic University of Goiás (1981), a Master's degree in Science from the University of Victoria (Canada-1994) and a PhD degree in Physiology from the University of São Paulo (Brazil – 2004). She was a researcher at the Association to Combat Cancer in Goiás – Hospital Araújo Jorge, from 1995 to 2018. She is a professor at the School of Medical and Life Sciences at PUC Goiás, since 1982, in the areas of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, has experience in the area of Oncogenetics and Molecular Biology of Cancer, working mainly on the following topics: Human Papillomavirus (HPV), cancers associated with HPV, epidemiological studies about HPV in cancers associated with the virus and molecular markers associated with breast cancer. She was Coordinator of the Master's Program in Genetics and Vice-Coordinator of the Postgraduate Program in Environmental Sciences and Health, both at PUC Goiás. In 2017, she received the Scientific Merit Award for Leadership and Relevance of Contributions in Research from PUC Goiás. She supervises Course Completion, Master's and Doctorate students at PUC Goiás and presents relevant international publications in her area of expertise.

Vinicius Milani Budel (BRA)

Full Professor UFPR. Ex.Senior Research EORTC. Head of the Mastology Service and Discipline HC-UFPR.

Vera Aparecida Saddi (BRA)

Vera Saddi has a degree in Biological Sciences – Medical Modality (Biomedicine) from the Pontifical Catholic University of Goiás (1981), a Master's degree in Science from the University of Victoria (Canada-1994) and a PhD degree in Physiology from the University of São Paulo (Brazil – 2004). She was a researcher at the Association to Combat Cancer in Goiás – Hospital Araújo Jorge, from 1995 to 2018. She is a professor at the School of Medical and Life Sciences at PUC Goiás, since 1982, in the areas of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, has experience in the area of Oncogenetics and Molecular Biology of Cancer, working mainly on the following topics: Human Papillomavirus (HPV), cancers associated with HPV, epidemiological studies about HPV in cancers associated with the virus and molecular markers associated with breast cancer. She was Coordinator of the Master's Program in Genetics and Vice-Coordinator of the Postgraduate Program in Environmental Sciences and Health, both at PUC Goiás. In 2017, she received the Scientific Merit Award for Leadership and Relevance of Contributions in Research from PUC Goiás. She supervises Course Completion, Master's and Doctorate students at PUC Goiás and presents relevant international publications in her area of expertise.