Clinical Oncologist at Rede D´Or with a focus on female tumors. Master in Genomic Sciences and Biotechnology from UCB.
Clinical Oncologist, PhD in Health Sciences from UFG.
Clinical oncologist at the IHG Oncological Center and the Advanced Breast Diagnosis Center (CORA HC/UFG), Goiânia-GO. Substitute professor at the Faculty of Medicine of the Federal University of Goiás.
Former Head of the Department of Mastology at the Ángel H Roffo Institute and Professor of Oncological Surgery at the University of Buenos Aires. He is principal investigator at the Roffo Institute for protocols in breast and reconstructive surgery at the Oncoplastic Breast Consortium (Basel-Switzerland). He is a Tutor for training grants in Oncological and Reconstructive Breast Surgery at the National Cancer Institute of Argentina. Director of GOLAM (Latin American Oncoplastic Group). He specializes in General Surgery, Oncological Surgery, Mastology and Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery. His works have been awarded nationally and internationally 31 times. His area of interest focuses on preventing and reducing the risk of breast cancer, optimizing surgical treatment and preventing its sequelae, and oncoplastic and reconstructive surgery.
Medical Oncologist- Hospital Sírio Libanês - DF. Specialist in breast and gynecological cancer.
Coordinator of the Breast Reconstruction Course in Recife. Master and PhD in surgery from UFPE. Member of the department of oncoplastics and brazilian school of mastology of the Brazilian Society Of Mastology. Member of SBM.
Mastologist. PhD in health sciences from the Federal University of Goiás. Adjunct Professor in the Department of Medicine at the State University of Ponta Grossa (PR). Director of the Systemic Therapy Department of the Brazilian Society of Mastology.
Doctor at the Oncoclínicas Group and Hospital Israelita Albert Einstein. Director of the Brazilian School of Mastology.
Head doctor in the Department of Radiotherapy at Hospital Sírio-Libanês in São Paulo. Free Professor at the FMUSP Faculty of Medicine. President of the Brazilian Society of Radiotherapy.
Coordinator of the Imaging Department of the Brazilian Society of Mastology. CEO of Redimama - Redimasto.
Adjunct professor at the mastology unit at the Faculty of Medicine of São José do Rio Preto - Famerp.
PhD in Experimental Breast Pathology. Director of IMPED - Institute of Medicine Research and Development. Head of the Breast Service at Hospital Conceição.
Medical residency in Clinical Cancerology at the National Cancer Institute (INCA), 2009-2011. Full member of the Brazilian Society of Clinical Oncology (SBOC). Full member of the Brazilian Society of Mastology (SBM). Full member of the American Society of Clinical Oncology (ASCO). Full member of the European Society of Oncology (ESMO). Observership at the Breast Unit of the Champalimaud Foundation-Lisbon, Portugal (03/2019). Observership at the Breast Unit at the Jules Bordet Institute - Brussels/Belgium, September 2022. Scientific coordinator of the Breast Cancer Service at INGOH.
Doctor graduated from FM-UFRJ. PhD in Health Sciences from EPM/UNIFESP. Mastologist at HC/UFG-EBSERH.
Radio-Oncologist at the Cancer Hospital Araújo Jorge, the Institute of Mastology and Oncology - IMO and CEBROM Grupo Oncoclinicas of Goiânia. Master's and PhD from the Federal University of Goiás. Member of the current Board of Directors of the Brazilian Society of Radiotherapy.
Full member of the Brazilian Society of Mastology (SBM). President of the Department of Oncoplasty and Breast Reconstruction at SBM. Master and PhD in Health Sciences from UnB. Mastologist at Hospital Israelita Albert Einstein in Goiânia. Organizer of the Theoretical-Practical Continuing Education program in Oncoplasty and Breast Reconstruction at SBM, at Hospital Araújo Jorge, in Goiânia.
Clinical Oncologist at Hospital Alemão Oswaldo Cruz, in São Paulo. Master in Molecular Oncology. President of the FEMAMA Scientific Council. Coordinator of the SBOC palliative care committee.
Clinical Oncologist, Head of Oncology Research and National Breast Cancer Leader - DASA Oncologia. Postdoctoral fellow in the Department of Medical Oncology at the Dana-Farber Cancer Institute, Harvard Medical School.
Clinical Oncologist at CEBROM – Grupo Oncoclínicas. Professor at the UFG Faculty of Medicine.