May 15 - 17, 2025 Brasilia - Brazil


Meet our speakers

Ailton Joioso (BRA)

Mastologist at Hospital Amaral Carvalho Jaú-SP. Coordinator of the oncoplasty and breast reconstruction course at SBM. Member of the oncoplasty committee at SBM. Coordinator of the medical residency in Mastology at Hospital Amaral Carvalho Jaú-SP.

Aline Regina Nunes Reis (BRA)

Mastologist at the IHG Oncology Center in Goiânia GO. Professor of the Medicine course at the University of Rio Verde and PhD student in the Health Sciences Program at the Federal University of Goiás.

Ana Lucia Coradazzi (BRA)

Clinical oncologist with a specialization in Palliative Care from AMB, responsible for the Clinical Oncology service at the Faculty of Medicine of Botucatu - UNESP.

Cristiane Nimir (BRA)

Pathologist at the Faculty of Medicine of USP (HC-FMUSP). Specialist in Pathological Anatomy by the Brazilian Society of Pathology (SBP) and member of the Brazilian Society of Mastology (SBM). Specialist in Breast Pathology.

Daniel Meirelles Barbalho (BRA)

Fellowship in Oncoplasty at the European Institute of Oncology in Milan. PhD in Oncogenetics at the Sírio-Libanês College. Master's degree in Epidemiology from Harvard. Mastologist at the Sírio-Libanês Hospital in Brasília.

Daniela Gusmao de Araujo Batista (BRA)

Medical residency: Santa Casa de Belo Horizonte-MG. Specialization in CT/MRI: UNIFESP. Specialist title granted by CBR. Radiologist working in breast imaging at Clínica Villas Boas, Hospital DF Star and SES/DF.

Daniele Assad Suzuki (BRA)

Clinical oncologist at Hospital Sírio Libanês. Board of Directors of the Brazilian Society of Clinical Oncology. Board of Directors of the Brazilian Group of Gynecological Tumors. Survivors and Diversity Committee of the GBECAM Group.

Deidimar Cassia Batista Abreu (BRA)

Mastologist. Master in Genetics from PUC Goias. Postgraduate degree in hereditary predisposition to Cancer HIAE.

Fabiana Baroni Alves Makdissi (BRA)

Mastologist and Oncological Surgeon, Head of the Breast Reference Center at ACCamargo Cancer Center. Master's and PhD from FMUSP. Columnist for Veja Saúde Magazine. Author of the book "Uma Sexta de Cada Vez". Member of the Brazilian Academies of Mastology and Rehabilitation Medicine. Founding member of WEEM (Women Engagement for Equity in Medicine). Member of the Permanent Women's Committee of SBCO. Vice-president of the NGO Instituto Oncosuperação. Member of the Scientific Committee of Oncoguia.

Fabiana Christina Araújo Pereira Lisboa (BRA)

Specialist in Mastology by the Brazilian Society of Mastology - SBM. Member of the Board of Directors of the Brazilian Society of Mastology Regional Federal District - SBM-DF. Master and PhD in Medical Sciences from the Faculty of Medicine of the University of Brasília-UnB.

Fátima Silvana Furtado Gerolin (BRA)

Graduated and Master in Nursing from the School of Nursing at USP. PhD in Science from the School of Nursing at UNIFESP. MBA in Economics and Health Management from UNIFESP. Works as Executive Director of Assistance and Education at Hospital Alemão Oswaldo Cruz.

Frank Braga Rodrigues (BRA)

Mastologist, member of the SBM. Former president of the Brazilian Society of Mastology - Goiás Regional 2020-22. Observership in Breast Reconstruction at the Instituto Europeo di Oncologia.

Giovanna Bernardes de Lima Miziara (BRA)

Mastologist Clinical Staff at Hospital Sírio-Libanês, Brasília – DF. Mastologist at the Taguatinga Regional Hospital (Health Department of the Federal District). Area of Expertise in Mammography by the Brazilian College of Radiology.

Isabella Barros Rabelo Gontijo Tumeh (BRA)

Psychologist from UFG. Psycho-oncologist with Residency in Psycho-oncology from UnB. Master's and Doctorate in Health Sciences from UFG.

Larissa Andressa Orsolini (BRA)

Nurse, specialist in Health Systems Auditing. Clinical Research Manager. Since 2010 working in the Gynecology and Breast Clinical Research Service at Araújo Jorge Cancer Hospital.

Lu Braga (BRA)

I was born in São Paulo, but for a long time my zip code was the airplane. Life took me down unexpected paths, marked by challenges and great achievements. I had cancer twice, but I continue to be the protagonist of my story. These experiences further fueled my enthusiasm for people. Today, I am a multiplier of hope and information. Author and creator of the book: What cancer did to me. A work that will change the way we face the disease. A story of life, struggle and overcoming. Creator and director of the documentary: Cancer doesn't wait. Based on reports from cancer patients who were victims of the climate tragedy in Rio Grande do Sul. Founder of the international movement Agro no Combate ao Câncer. Graduated in Social Communication with a degree in Journalism. Specializations in Project, Process and People Management. Experience in radio, TV and institutional communication consultancy. Worked in the Judiciary and in the Government of Rondônia. Reporter for the TSE, on the program Brasil Eleitor. Worked on TV in Europe and Africa. Coverage of major events: Earthquake in Chile (2010). World Cup in Germany and Brazil. Olympics in Brazil. Wars in Syria and Gaza, and conflicts in Lebanon. Areas of Expertise Communication focused on health. Reputation management. Judiciary and entrepreneurship. Agribusiness, Amazon and Middle East. Over 20 years as a volunteer for cancer patients. Volunteer work carried out in Asia, Africa and the Middle East. My career reflects resilience and passion for communication. I believe in the power of stories to transform lives, inspire hope and build connections.

Marcela Caetano Vilela Lauar (BRA)

Doctor from the Faculty of Medicine of Marília. Residency in Radiology and Diagnostic Imaging and fellowship in Women's Imaging at the Hospital Beneficência Portuguesa in São Paulo. Advanced fellow in Breast Imaging at the Hospital Israelita Albert Einstein. Radiologist at the Clinica São Marcelo, Hospital Beneficência de São Paulo and member of the Breast Teleradiology group at the Hospital Israelita Albert Einstein.

Mariana Mesquita Gomes Caitano (BRA)

Breast radiologist - CDPI/DASA (RJ). Advanced training in vacuum biopsies - Invision Sally Jobe (Denver - USA). Executive Director of Ela Diagnósticos.

Paulus Fabricio Mascarenhas Ramos (BRA)

Mastologist at Grupo Oncoclinicas Bahia. Coordinator/Professor of the Breast Reconstruction and Oncoplastic Course at Hospital Aristides Maltez in partnership with SBM. President of Coopermasto Bahia.

Rogerio Bizinoto Ferreira (BRA)

Mastologist, full member of the Brazilian Society of Mastology. Master of Science from Unifesp. Preceptor of the medical residency program in Mastology at the General Hospital of Goiânia (HGG), responsible for the oncoplasty and breast reconstruction sector.

Sálvia Maria Canguçu da Rocha (BRA)

Graduated in Medicine from the Federal University of Bahia (2004). Medical Residency in Gynecology and Mastology. Specialist Title in Gynecology and Mastology. Specialization Course in Oncoplasty and Breast Reconstruction SBM. Preceptor and Mastologist of the Medical Residency Service of Hospital Aristides Maltez - HAM. Mastologist of Rede D'OR and Hospital Cardiopulmonar. Master in Clinical and Translational Research -PGPCT-Fiocruz-BA. Coordinator of the Oncoplasty and Breast Reconstruction Course of SBM/HAM in Salvador/BA.

Rogerio Bizinoto Ferreira (BRA)

Mastologist, full member of the Brazilian Society of Mastology. Master of Science from Unifesp. Preceptor of the medical residency program in Mastology at the General Hospital of Goiânia (HGG), responsible for the oncoplasty and breast reconstruction sector.

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