6 pm – 8 pm
pesquisador responsável:
Professor at the Botucatu-Unesp Faculty of Medicine. President of SBM-regional São Paulo. President of the Febrasgo national breast imaging committee.
pesquisadores responsáveis:
Mastologist, Master's and PhD from the Federal University of Goiás. Professor at the Federal University of Goiás.
Associate Professor & Head of the Program of Mastology - Federal University of Goias Mastologist at Breast and Gynecology Service - Araujo Jorge Hospital - Goias Anticancer Association
UFMG-Belo Horizonte
pesquisador responsável:
Master and PhD in Women's Health from UFMG. Adjunct Professor of the Department of Gynecology and Obstetrics, FM, UFMG. Coordinator of the Mastology Discipline at FMUFMG. Director of Professional Defense of the Medical Association of MG.
UFRS- HC Porto Alegre
pesquisadores responsáveis:
UFPR – Curitiba
pesquisador responsável:
Full Professor UFPR. Ex.Senior Research EORTC. Head of the Mastology Service and Discipline HC-UFPR.
Hospital do Câncer de Barretos
pesquisador responsável:
Mastologist at Hospital de Amor Barretos. Post-doctorate at the Faculty of Medicine of Botucatu – UNESP. Professor of the Stricto Sensu Postgraduate Programs in Oncology and Health Innovation at Hospital de Amor. Member of the TEMa Commission. Coordinator of the SBM-SP Oncoplasty Committee.
PUC Campinas
pesquisador responsável:
Hospital do Câncer de Muriaé
pesquisador responsável:
Breast Surgeon, Surgical Oncologist. PhD in Science with Postdoctoral in Mastology. Professor of the Postgraduate Program of Tocogynecology - Botucatu Faculty of Medicine - São Paulo State University and Professor of Postgraduate Program of Oncology - Barretos Cancer Hospital. Works at Muriaé Cancer Hospital.
Hospital Geral de Fortaleza
pesquisador responsável:
Mastologist at the General Hospital of Fortaleza. Member of SBM / ASCO / ASBrS. President of the commission specialized in Mastology. Co-founder of the Breast Cancer Brazil initiative.
Maternidade Dona Íris
pesquisador responsável:
Liga contra o cancer Natal
pesquisador responsável:
Hospital da Lagoa – RJ
pesquisador responsável:
Hospital Barão de Lucena – Recife – PE
pesquisador responsável:
Coordinator of the Breast Reconstruction Course in Recife. Master and PhD in surgery from UFPE. Member of the department of oncoplastics and brazilian school of mastology of the Brazilian Society Of Mastology. Member of SBM.
Hospital Servidor SP
pesquisador responsável:
Hospital da Mulher SP
pesquisador responsável:
Mastologist. Doctor at the Oncoclínicas SP Group. Medical Leader at Hospital da Mulher SP. Deputy Treasurer of the Brazilian Society of Mastology.
pesquisador responsável:
pesquisador responsável: