8:10 am – 8:38 am
Commented poster session 1
Degree in Nursing and Obstetrics from the Pontifical Catholic University of Goiàs (PUC/GO). PhD in Health Sciences from the Federal University of Goiás (FM/UFG), Master in Environmental Sciences and Health from the Pontifical Catholic University of Goiás (PUC/GO). Specialist in Public Health from the University of Ribeirão Preto (UNAERP/SP). Specialist in Professional Education from the Federal University of Goiás (UFG/FEM/FIOCRUZ). SUS Immunization Specialist (IMUNIZASUS - CONASENS AND São Leopoldo Mandic). Effective Professor at the University Center of Mineiros - Trindade Campus (UNIFIMES). Researcher at the Advanced Breast Diagnosis Center - Nurse Monitor at Pojeto Itaberaí (CORA/UFG/HC). Coordinator of the Extension Project "ACOLHE MÃE" (UNIFIMES).
Physiotherapist. PhD in Oncology from AC Camargo Cancer Center. Master in Health Technology. Specialist in Physiotherapy in Oncology. Women's Health Specialist.
8:10 am – 8:13 am
Immediate postoperative complications associated with sentinel lymph node biopsy in early breast cancer in the context of the Sentinel Lymph Node Biopsy versus no Axillary Surgery in Early Breast Cancer Clinically and Ultrasonographically node negative (VENUS) Trial
8:13 am – 8:16 am
Breast cancer and local therapy: breast conservation and oncoplastic surgery are associated with improved quality of life
8:16 am – 8:19 am
CK19 expression and prognosis in women with breast cancer
8:19 am – 8:22 am
Forequarter amputation in patients with breast cancer: a systematic literature review
8:22 am – 8:25 am
The Potential Role of Cavity Margins Sampling Shaving (CMSH) to Predict Complete Tumor Resection by Vacuum Assisted Excision (VAE)
8:25 am – 8:28 am
Is axillary evaluation still necessary in DCIS?
8:28 am – 8:38 am
8:40 am – 9 am
Mini conference: How can the quality of the pathology study affect the treatment of breast cancer patients?
Former president of the Brazilian society of regional mastology Ceará. Mastologist with medical residency at the Ceará Cancer Institute (ICC) and specialist title (TEMA). She has a doctorate in breast oncology from the AC Camargo Cancer Center and has a lato sensu postgraduate degree in reconstructive and reparative surgery from the Brazilian Society of Mastology. Dr. Aline is also a mastologist at the Ceará Cancer Prevention Institute (IPC) and at the pronutrir clinic.
Pathologist from the State University of Campinas (UNICAMP) with an internship in Breast Pathology at Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center/NY and IPATIMUP/University of Porto. She works as a pathologist at the Argos laboratory in Fortaleza.
9 am – 9:10 am
9:10 am – 9:30 am
Mini conference: Breastfeeding after breast cancer
Gynecologist, Obstetrician and Mastologist at Santa Casa de São Paulo. President of the Breastfeeding Department of the Brazilian Society of Mastology. Responsible for the Breastfeeding and Benign Diseases Committee at SBM - São Paulo Regional. He is part of the National Specialties Commission of the Brazilian Federation of Gynecology and Obstetrics (FEBRASGO).
9:30 am – 9:40 am
Mastologist, Master's and PhD from the Federal University of Goiás. Professor at the Federal University of Goiás.
10:30 am – 11 am
Commented poster session 2
Master and PhD in Women's Health from UFMG. Adjunct Professor of the Department of Gynecology and Obstetrics, FM, UFMG. Coordinator of the Mastology Discipline at FMUFMG. Director of Professional Defense of the Medical Association of MG.
Vera Saddi has a degree in Biological Sciences – Medical Modality (Biomedicine) from the Pontifical Catholic University of Goiás (1981), a Master's degree in Science from the University of Victoria (Canada-1994) and a PhD degree in Physiology from the University of São Paulo (Brazil – 2004). She was a researcher at the Association to Combat Cancer in Goiás – Hospital Araújo Jorge, from 1995 to 2018. She is a professor at the School of Medical and Life Sciences at PUC Goiás, since 1982, in the areas of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, has experience in the area of Oncogenetics and Molecular Biology of Cancer, working mainly on the following topics: Human Papillomavirus (HPV), cancers associated with HPV, epidemiological studies about HPV in cancers associated with the virus and molecular markers associated with breast cancer. She was Coordinator of the Master's Program in Genetics and Vice-Coordinator of the Postgraduate Program in Environmental Sciences and Health, both at PUC Goiás. In 2017, she received the Scientific Merit Award for Leadership and Relevance of Contributions in Research from PUC Goiás. She supervises Course Completion, Master's and Doctorate students at PUC Goiás and presents relevant international publications in her area of expertise.
10:30 am – 10:33 am
Factors influencing the engagement of Community Health Workers in breast cancer screening: Itaberaí Project
10:33 am – 10:36 am
Assessment of a continuing education program for Community Health Workers for breast cancer screening: Itaberaí Project
10:36 am – 10:39 am
Variant analysis in the TP53 gene for families in the state of Goiás with suspected Li-Fraumeni Syndrome: tool for early diagnosis and prevention of breast cancer
10:39 am – 10:42 am
Diagnostic accuracy study of magnetic resonance breast spectroscopy
10:42 am – 10:45 am
Suspicious mammographic findings out of the age range recommended by Brazilian Ministry of Health
10:45 am – 10:48 am
Gastrin-Releasing Peptide Receptor (GRPR) as a promising prognostic biomarker in breast cancer
10:48 am – 10:58 am
11 am – 11:20 am
Mini conference: Telemedicine and breast cancer
General Secretary of SBM. Mastology Coordinator of the CAM/Oncoclínicas Salvador Bahia Group.
Mastologist at the Liga Contra o Câncer RN. Managing Member of the Teaching, Research and Innovation Institute of Liga-RN. Master in Health Sciences RN. Coordinator of the Liga-RN Project Office. Vice-President Northeast of SBMASTOLOGIA. Holder of Chair 15 of the RN Medicine Academy. Patron of Chair 45 of the Brazilian Academy of Mastology.
11:20 am – 11:40 am
11:40 am – 12 pm
Mini conference: What would I like and not like to hear from a healthcare professional as a patient?
Master in Molecular Biology from LIKA- UFPE. Mastologist at Hospital Barão de Lucena. Partner Member of SBM.
Graduated in Psychology from PUC-GO-Brazil since 2005 and has a solid background in Gestalt Therapy, having trained at the Institute of Training and Research in Gestalt Therapy of Goiânia-GO in 2007 and later at the Federal University of Goiás - UFG in 2023 Currently, he is specializing in Multidisciplinary Oncology at the Instituto Israelita de Ensino e Pesquisa Albert Einstein, with completion scheduled for 2024/2. Lorena also experienced the journey as an oncology patient in 2021, when she was diagnosed with breast cancer, bringing a unique and empathetic perspective to her work. Currently, it focuses its efforts on caring for cancer patients, especially women diagnosed with breast cancer who are in any phase of treatment or remission, through the Se Acolha Group, seeking to give new meaning to the disease and treatment process, providing comprehensive support for these individuals at such a challenging time in their lives.
12 pm – 12:10 pm
12:10 pm – 12:50 pm
BD Symposium – Tumor Board: minimally invasive breast treatment
Coordinator of the Imaging Department of the Brazilian Society of Mastology. CEO of Redimama - Redimasto.
Mastologist. Doctor at the Oncoclínicas SP Group. Medical Leader at Hospital da Mulher SP. Deputy Treasurer of the Brazilian Society of Mastology.
CDPI/DASA breast radiology. Advanced training in breast biopsies - Denver USA.
Radio-Oncologist at the Cancer Hospital Araújo Jorge, the Institute of Mastology and Oncology - IMO and CEBROM Grupo Oncoclinicas of Goiânia. Master's and PhD from the Federal University of Goiás. Member of the current Board of Directors of the Brazilian Society of Radiotherapy.
PhD in pathology from FMUSP; Leader of breast and gynecological pathology at the pathological anatomy and molecular biology laboratory of the Amil Group (SP).
2 pm – 2:30 pm
Commented poster session 3
Coordinator of the Breast Reconstruction Course in Recife. Master and PhD in surgery from UFPE. Member of the department of oncoplastics and brazilian school of mastology of the Brazilian Society Of Mastology. Member of SBM.
Mastologist at Hospital de Amor Barretos. Post-doctorate at the Faculty of Medicine of Botucatu – UNESP. Professor of the Stricto Sensu Postgraduate Programs in Oncology and Health Innovation at Hospital de Amor. Member of the TEMa Commission. Coordinator of the SBM-SP Oncoplasty Committee.
Graduated in Pharmacy and Biochemistry from the Faculty of Pharmacy of the Federal University of Goiás. Master in Pathology from the University of Brasília. PhD in Tocogynecology from the Faculty of Medical Sciences of the State University of Campinas. Specialist in Clinical Cytology by the Brazilian Society of Clinical Cytology. Post-Doctorate in the Department of Tocogynecology, Faculty of Medical Sciences, State University of Campinas. She is currently Full Professor in Clinical Cytology at the Faculty of Pharmacy of the Federal University of Goiás. She regularly publishes in journals indexed in pubmed/medline and/or Lilacs, with 41 articles indexed in Medline/pubmed with an H index of 16 (Web of Science- 2023). She is a regular reviewer for the journals Diagnostic Cytolpathology, RBGO, Acta Cytologica, Plos One.
2 pm – 2:03 pm
Characterization of an epigenetic regulatory network on basal-like breast cancer subtype and its impact on signaling pathways and biological processes
2:03 pm – 2:06 pm
Understanding and Adherence Level of Community Health Workers (CHW) to breast cancer screening according to the protocol established in the Itaberaí Project
2:06 pm – 2:09 pm
The role of tumor-associated macrophages in the prediction of sentinel lymph node involvement in breast cancer
2:09 pm – 2:12 pm
Evaluation of Tumor Infiltrating Lymphocytes as a predictive biomarker of recurrence in patients with Ductal Carcinoma In Situ of the breast
2:12 pm – 2:15 pm
The alarming level of sexual dysfunction among Brazilian women with early breast cancer undergoing adjuvant endocrine therapy
2:15 pm – 2:18 pm
Does the intrinsic chemoresistance profile modulate the efficacy of neoadjuvant chemotherapy in breast cancer patients?
2:18 pm – 2:28 pm
2:30 pm – 2:50 pm
Mini conference: Physiotherapy during chemotherapy infusion: why and how?
Physiotherapist, Master and PhD in Health Sciences from the Federal University of Goiás, specialist in Oncology from Interfisio and member of the Brazilian Association of Physiotherapy in Oncology. Physiotherapist on the clinical staff of the Institute of Mastology and Oncology of Goiânia.
Physiotherapist, Epidemiologist Researcher - INCA Coordinator of the master's degree in public health and cancer control - INCA.
2:50 pm – 3 pm
2:30 pm – 2:50 pm
Commented poster session 4
Breast Surgeon, Surgical Oncologist. PhD in Science with Postdoctoral in Mastology. Professor of the Postgraduate Program of Tocogynecology - Botucatu Faculty of Medicine - São Paulo State University and Professor of Postgraduate Program of Oncology - Barretos Cancer Hospital. Works at Muriaé Cancer Hospital.
Doctor in pathology from FM at USP Prof. Head of the Pathology department at UFG Training in Breast Pathology in Coimbra Internship in Surgical Pathology at Clinica Maio- Rochester USA.
Biologist, PhD in Medical Sciences from UFRGS and the German Research Cancer Center (DKFZ, Germany) and post-doctorate in pharmaceutical biotechnology from Ludwig-Maximilliam Univesity (LMU, Germany). Researcher at the company Ziel Biosciences and collaborating researcher at UFRGS and PUCRS universities.
3 pm – 3:03 pm
Analysis of the magee 3 equation for assessing prognosis in breast cancer treatment
3:03 pm – 3:06 pm
Integrated health technological solution for the resolution of breast cancer screening actions: Itaberaí Project
3:06 pm – 3:09 pm
Evaluation of the endometrium of women who used tamoxifen: correlation between ultrasonographic, hysteroscopic and histological findings
3:09 pm – 3:12 pm
Evaluation of pathological complete response in axilla in patients with triple negative breast cancer and pathological complete response in breast: a systematic review
3:12 pm – 3:15 pm
Capivasertib and fulvestrant, a new salvation for hormone receptor-positive breast cancer? A systematic review
3:15 pm – 3:18 pm
Scenario of breast reconstruction in the unified health system in Brazil
3:18 pm – 3:28 pm
3:30 pm – 3:50 pm
Mini conference: Strategies to increase patient adherence to hormone therapy
Clinical oncologist at the IHG Oncological Center and the Advanced Breast Diagnosis Center (CORA HC/UFG), Goiânia-GO. Substitute professor at the Faculty of Medicine of the Federal University of Goiás.
Medical Oncologist- Hospital Sírio Libanês - DF. Specialist in breast and gynecological cancer.
3:50 pm – 4 pm
4 pm – 4:30 pm
Coffee Break
6:30 pm – 8:30 pm AI – ONCOLOGY INSIGHT
6:30 pm – 6:50 pm
Introduction to AI
Graduated from the University of Brasília in 2004. She holds a medical residency in Clinical Medicine from the Federal University of Uberlândia (2004-2006). Medical residency in Clinical Cancerology at the University of Brasília (2007-2009). She is a full member of the Brazilian Society of Clinical Oncology-SBOC and Member of the Brazilian Group of Gastrointestinal Tumors (GTG). She works in general clinical oncology, with an area of interest in gastrointestinal tract tumors and melanoma. Master in Medical Sciences from the University of Brasília (UnB), with a thesis on colorectal cancer.
6:50 pm – 6:55 pm
Question session
6:55 pm – 7:15 pm
Application of AI in medicine
Graduated in medicine from the Federal University of Minas Gerais (1998-2004). Medical residency in internal medicine at HPSJXXIII (2004-2006). Medical residency in clinical cancerology at Hospital da Baleia. He currently works as an oncologist and clinical director of Hospital Hemolabor in the city of Goiânia, GO.
7:15 pm – 7:20 pm
Question session
7:20 pm – 7:40 pm
Practical application of AI in Oncology
Clinical oncology at Santa Casa de Belo Horizonte. Master's degree at the Faculty of Medicine at UnB. PhD candidate at the Unb Faculty of Medicine. Doctor on the clinical staff of the oncoclinics in Brasília.
7:40 pm – 8:15 pm
Clinical oncology at Santa Casa de Belo Horizonte. Master's degree at the Faculty of Medicine at UnB. PhD candidate at the Unb Faculty of Medicine. Doctor on the clinical staff of the oncoclinics in Brasília.
8:15 pm – 8:25 pm
Introduction to Voida and Voida Pro
Clinical oncology at Santa Casa de Belo Horizonte. Master's degree at the Faculty of Medicine at UnB. PhD candidate at the Unb Faculty of Medicine. Doctor on the clinical staff of the oncoclinics in Brasília.
8:25 pm – 8:30 pm
Question session
8:30 pm