Thiago David Alves Pinto (BRA)

Doctor graduated in Medicine from the School of Health Sciences (2009); Medical Residency in the Specialty in Pathological Anatomy at the Hospital das Clínicas of the Federal University of Goiás (2010 – 2013); Title of Specialist in Pathological Anatomy by the Brazilian Society of Pathology (2014); Master's Degree in Health Sciences – PPGCS/UFG (2014 – 2017); Preceptor of the Medical Residency Program in Pathology at Hospital de Base/IGESDF (2018 - current); Lato Sensu Postgraduate Degree in Hereditary Predisposition to Cancer from Albert Einstein Instituto Israelita de Ensino e Pesquisa. Auditor of the Accreditation and Quality Control Program – PACQ – of the Brazilian Society of Pathology (2020-2021); PhD in Health Sciences – PPGCS/UNB (2018 – Current).